Friday, October 31, 2003 Thank You Sir...Dear Dr M, As a Malaysian living abroad,I would like to thank you for all your service to the beloved nation for the past 22 years that you have served as the Prime Minister. I salute you as a leader of Muslim country who always played important roles at the international level & voiced out the Muslim ummah's dissatisfaction towards superpower countries like US and European nations. Domestically, you have transformed Malaysia from a tiny nation to respected one which is economically & politically stable. I wish you all the best for your retirement & May Allah reward you accordingly and forgive you all the mistakes that you have done during your tenure. Sincerely, Sang Kelate UK. p.s: I am looking forward to read yr memoir. For those who are so critical toward Dr M's leadership styles, kindly let me share with u the words of JB Priestley: "We should behave toward our country as women behave toward men they love. A loving wife will do anything for her husband except to stop criticizing and trying to improve him. We should cast the same affectionate but sharp glance at our country. We should love it, but also insist upon telling it all its faults. The noisy, empty 'patriotic', not the critic, is the dangerous citizen. The proper means of increasing the love we bear to our native country is to reside some time in a foreign one." |
Wednesday, October 29, 2003 Positive News From Home (Moga2 bangsaku Bersatu atas Jln Allah)Malaysia Kini, 29 Oct 2003.. published without comment. PAS positif pengisytiharan M'sia negara Islam Kerajaan PAS Terengganu menegaskan hari ini bahawa pihaknya mengambil sikap positif terhadap kenyataan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang mengisytiharkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara Islam. "Dengan pengisytiharan itu, bermakna penguatkuasaan Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Hudud dan Qisas) Terengganu 1423H/2002M merupakan kemuncak penghargaan dan sanjungan kerajaan negeri kepada beliau yang akan bersara Jumaat ini," demikian menurut kenyataan Pejabat Menteri Besar Terengganu hari ini. Dalam kenyataan tiga muka yang ditandatangani oleh Setiausaha Akhbar kepada Menteri Besar, Haji Zahari Mohamed, Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu juga mengucap tahniah di atas kejayaan negara pimpinan Dr Mahathir yang dipilih sebagai pengerusi Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam (OIC) baru-baru ini. Sehubungan itu, Kerajaan PAS Terengganu mengulangi pendiriannya bahawa tindakannya mewartakan Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Hudud dan Qisas) Terengganu 2002 Isnin lalu adalah selaras dengan Perkara 3 (1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Menurutnya, Perkara 3 (1) itu memperuntukkan bahawa "Agama Islam ialah agama persekutuan tetapi agama-agama lain boleh diamalkan dengan aman dan damai di mana-mana bahagian Persekutuan". "Dengan peruntukan itu, Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu berpendirian bahawa adalah tidak bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan untuk melaksanakan enakmen tersebut yang diluluskan oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri pada 8 Julai tahun lalu, dan mendapat perkenan Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin pada 2 Sept lalu," tegas kenyataan itu. Hukum Allah Menurut kenyaatan itu, penguatkuasaan enakman tersebut adalah untuk membuktikan bahawa undang-undang Islam adalah bebas dan bersih daripada sebarang unsur-unsur kezaliman terhadap seluruh manusia kerana ianya datang dari Allah yang "yang maha adil, maha mengetahui, dengan semua sifat kesempurnaan." "Dengan bidangkuasa yang ada pada negeri, kerajaan negeri mahu melaksanakan undang-undang syariah yang mengambil kira aspek tersebut. Jadi apabila negeri meluluskan undang-undang, sudah tentu ia akan menjadi undang-undang di peringkat negeri," tambah kenyataan itu. Menurut kenyataan itu lagi, memandangkan Perlembagaan Negara telah berkali-kali dipinda, maka "mengapa tidak boleh dibuat pindaan dalam perkara kecil dari segi agama bagi melaksanakan syariat Allah kepada orang Islam". "Undang-undang kesalahan jenayah ini ialah undang-undang bagi orang Islam sahaja. Orang bukan Islam tidak diwajibkan dan mereka tidak perlu bimbang. Sebelum dibahaskan di Dewan Negeri, kerajaan negeri telah mengemukakannya kepada semua pihak, termasuk ahli akademik, pemimpin politik, badan bukan kerajaan dari kalangan Islam dan bukan Islam . "Sebelum ini, pihak-pihak yang berjumpa kerajaan negeri, selepas diberi penjelasan, berpuashati dan menunjuk respon baik, kecuali mereka yang tidak datang dan membuat kenyataan dari jauh sahaja," tambah kenyataan itu. Kesan positif Berikutan itu, kerajaan negeri berharap agar sesetengah pihak di negara ini tidak terikut-ikut rentak barat dan golongan anti-Islam yana menurutnya, sentiasa mencari ruang untuk memburuk dan menyerang Islam melalui pelaksanaannya syariat Allah ini. Sementera itu, Arfa’eza A Aziz melaporkan bahawa pewartaan enakmen tersebut telah memperlihatkan kesan positif di mana umat Islam di negeri itu kini lebih berhati-hati dalam tindak-tanduk mereka kerana "takut" kepada undang-undang Allah itu. Menurut Mufti Terengganu, Sheikh Abdul Halim Abdul Kadir, beliau menerima panggilan dari orang ramai yang bertanyakan tentang enakmen itu. "Nampaknya mereka sudah mula takut kepada hukum Allah...mereka takut untuk melakukan kesalahan kerana hukumannya berat. "Inilah yang kita mahu sebenarnya... supaya umat Islam tidak melanggar hukum agama," katanya ketika dihubungi malaysiakini hari ini mengenai perkembangan mutaakhir penguatkuasaan enakmen tersebut di Terenggganu. "Bukan hasrat kita untuk memotong tangan orang. Al-Quran pun bukan mahukan kematian. Dalam undang-undang Islam, hukuman adalah perkara kedua (kerana) yang pentingnya enakmen tersebut mempunyai kesan pencegahan. Jadi boleh saya katakan di sini bahawa kesan enakmen itu sudah nampak," tambahnya. Kerajaan PAS Terengganu telah mewartakan enakmen tersebut Isnin lalu selepas diluluskan oleh Dewan Negeri 8 Julai tahun lalu, yang penguatkuasaannya terpakai ke atas mereka yang beragama Islam sahaja. Sekadar mampu Enakmen tersebut telah mendapat pelbagai reaksi dari badan bukan kerajaan dan parti politik, termasuk Umno yang munuduh ianya sebagai "undang-undang PAS" dan bukanlah undang-undang Islam sebenarnya. Mengulas lanjut mengenainya, Sheikh Abdul Hamid berkata, kerajaan negeri tidak boleh menghalang sebarang sekatan yang dikenakan oleh kerajaan pusat yang ternyata lebih berkuasa. "Memang Perlembagaan Persekutuan memberi kerajaan pusat lebih kuasa. Jadi kita berusaha sedaya-upaya kita untuk menjayakanya. "Kalau kita boleh melaksanakan sepenuhnya, Alhamdullillah...tetapi jika mereka (kerajaan pusat) sekat kita...mereka sendirilah yang tanggung. Kita membuat sekadar kemampuan kita, yang lain terserah kepada Tuhan," tambahnya. Ketika diminta mengulas kenyataan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad bahawa kerajan pusat akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang jika Terengganu melaksanakan enakmen tersebut, Sheikh Abdul Hamid berkata, perkara itu hanya boleh dijawab oleh Dr Mahathir sendiri. "Apakah kesalahan kita dalam melaksanakan enakmen ini? Yang kita buat adalah mengikut panduan al-Quran dan Sunnah. Jadi hanya dia yang tahu apa kesalahan kita dan bagaimana dia akan bertindak. Seperti yang saya kata tadi, setakat mana yang kita boleh...," katanya. |
Tuesday, October 28, 2003 Ramadhan, Kenangan lama menggamit kembaliAssalamualaikum.... Seperti biasa, kedatanganmu Ramadhan daku sambut dengan penuh keinsafan. Inilah kali ke tiga Sang Kelate (SK) menyambut kedatangan bulan penuh barakah ini di pulau yang sebenarnya asing bagi naluri ini. Hati SK tetap ditinggalkan di Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga. Namun perjalanan hidup membawa Sang Kelate ke daerah asing. Kehadiran Ramadhan menggamit kembali kenangan2 lama. Masa kanak2 & remaja dulu, SK pasti menunggu kepulangan ayah yang berbasikal tua (org Kelantan panggil basikal unta) membawa balik air nyiur muda atau air tebu. Kekadang, SK akan cuba mencari rakan yg mempunyai motosikal utk meronda ke arah PCB atau Sabak utk mencari air tuak (nira kepala)yg memang menjadi kesukaan SK & ayah. Semasa menuntut ilmu di Labok pula, lain pula keseronokannya, berbuka bersama2 dalam satu dewan makan yg memuatkan seluruh warga sekolah.. makanan dewan makan ni kekadang tu tidak dapat menepati selera SK. Bekalan sambal daging (serunding)ibulah yg dapat mengubah rasa tekak. Kemudiannya, SK pernah meyambut Ramadhan di Shah Alam dan kemudiannya di bumi Chicago. Masih teringat bagaimana kereta Honda Civic buruk SK 'skidding' di satu petang di musim salji tebal kerana agak gopoh utk pergi berbuka bersama-sama rakan Muslim di kampus. Nasib baiklah tiada kereta lain yg berhampiran. Juadahnya cukup menyelerakan. Kambing panggang, kebab Iran , biryani Pakistan dan beberapa makanan Arab & Mediteraneean selalunya menjadi juadah iftar. Semasa bekerja di Folsom CA , SK jarang sangat berbuka di masjid. Kalau di Penang pula, kesibukan bekerja menyebabkan SK hanya kerap berbuka di Masjid Bayan Baru di hujung minggu. Itupun kekadang terpaksa dilupakan kerana memenuhi undangan rakan & mengajak rakan berbuka di kediaman kami. Pasar Ramadhan di Penang jarang sekali menemukan juadah makanan Kelantan yg asli. Apa yg selalu SK lakukan ialah mengambil cuti seminggu terakhir di bulan puasa (disambung dgn cuti raya 3-4 hari) utk menghabiskan Ramadhan di KB sambil menikmati juadah2 masakan ibu seperti ikan percik, solok ikan, solok lada,pelbagai jenis kerabu (eg batang kemuning, mangga, jantung pisang) kerutuk telur merah, nasi kerabu dan lain2. Antara kuih kegemaran SK ialah tahi itik, akok, jala mas, puteri mandi dll. Semalam 1 Ramadhan SK bersahur sakan kerana isteri tersayang, J memasak pelbagai juadah di tengahari sebelumnya kerana kami ada tetamu. Agak berselera SK bersahur dgn Kerutuk Ayam, Lamb Vindaloo, telur goreng & sambal nyiur pucuk pegaga (masakan ala Perak oleh E, seorang pelajar Phd Biological Science di sini yg menanam pegaga dlm 'greenhouse' -terimakasih E). Berbuka pula, SK menyuruh J memasak gulai Kerutuk telur. Hmmm kali ni hampir sama rasanya dgn masakan ibu tercinta. Alhamdullilah, berbuka pada hari pertama dgn kerutuk telur, ikan bilis goreng, ayam gulai ala nigeria (thanks to F, one of our M'sian neighbor here), akok versi UK & air mata kucing (longan) yg dihantar khas oleh ibu tercinta. Kali ini, SK mampu utk tidak makan terlalu banyak. Tapi bila balik dari surau rasa lapar pulak. Hmmm ada pulak nasi Biryani sumbangan WM & ayam goreng. Sebelum berbuka semalam, SK terfikir utk membuat 'rating' atau muhasabah terhadap tahap puasa SK. Hmm SK tiada diari bertulis , yg ada cumalah blog. Akhirnya SK dapat idea.. gunakan kod warna yg hanya SK sahaja tahu apa maksudnya.. Jadi SK tanyalah J & N warna2 dlm bahasa Kelantan... J hairan katanya apa yg tiba2 nak tahu (SK akan menulis di lain kali tentang warna2 versi Kelantan). Antara kod yg SK akan guna ialah Bungo Ppulut, Putih Star, Ija Palo Itik, Meroh Daroh Ike & Kunin Hene (not in any particular order) Untuk 1 Ramadhan - Bungo Ppulut If you like to read interesting entry abt sahur you can try Cikgu Yaz's. Selamat Bersahur & Berbuka. Sama2lah kita tingkatkan tahap keimanan & amal sholeh. |
Wednesday, October 22, 2003 My Beloved TeacherTonite (M'sian time), just after midnite it is exactly 13 Hijrah years my beloved teacher move to the different world. He passed away on the last Friday nite before the Ramadhan months on that year. I have known him since my early teenage years. However, since I was away in a boarding school & college I do miss lots of his teachings. A couple of months before he passed away, I did ask him to accept me as one of his students despite the fact that my Iman & Amal was so much apart compared to his. He did not say anything just say `Hmm' & sort of nodding his head (he was really in a great pain during that time)and I always pray it does mean 'Yes'. I always consider that one of the luckiest things in my life is to get to know him. He never failed to tell his students to 'mujahadah' against Nafs (bad desire) & explained correct version of Ahli-Sunnah Wal Jamaah Tauhid. He himself was the student of a famous 'ulama' in Kelantan. Nowadays, lots of people do claim that the are the real Ahli-Sunnah but without knowing they themselves have been deviating from the right path.. the best example is the Wahabism. This morning, when I made a phone call to my friends in Kelantan, they were busy cleaning the 'surau' to get ready for a special yearly tahlil session for our guru. One of them did bring a high-powered equipment as used in the car wash center (I can hardly hear my friends over the other end). I do remember we always 'gotong royong' to cook the food for the tahlil too. I feel so sad to miss the event again. Most of the students always make a point to attend this so that we can meet each other. Some of us are residing in Penang, KL, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka & Trengganu. Being abroad I can only do some tahlil on my own. Although the 'Guru' has left us, our ukhuwah among the students is somehow still very strong. Some us did follow him already (Mat Jeng -see my entry before- was one of them. we have pakciks in 60s, some in 50s, plenty of 40s, and 30s like me & some in late 20s too. May Allah continuously reward my 'Guru' for showing me & my friends the right path of Islam. Al-Fatihah. p.s: Do visit Abedib's blog to read abt the important of learning Islam from a teacher. |
Who Wanna Be An 'Angkasanaut'? I read this from someone's blog while bloghopping: America - Astronaut Russia - Cosmonaut China - Taikonaut Malaysia - Bolehnaut (short for boleh-or-not) :) It is really a funny joke which actually make me laughed out. I bet most of us used to hear 'Bolehwood' (as per Hollywood & Bollywood). Sadly, 'melayuboleh' has also been used as name of a porno website (try google if u don't believe me) I do predict if we keep changing our words like what happens to 'belanjawan' which is changed to 'bajet' (read my earlier entry abt this), then one day, 'angkasawan' will may be called 'angkasanaut'. One the lighter note, I do suspect that my fellow blogger in Londra, Penawan derived his nick from 'Pena'. Sir, correct me if I am wrong! By the way, who wanna be an 'angkasanaut'? p.s: Anyone wanna guess what does 'Sang Kelate' mean? Let me give u a clue.. it was first used by a famous person in Malaysia during his opening speech of a formal function a few years back. |
Saturday, October 04, 2003 Am I prepared?Yesterday evening, while I was chatting in the living room with someone, J appeared from the kitchen passing handphone saying that there was an SMS from ZH all the way from Kelate. I suddenly sensed that something was wrong since it was almost 2 o'clock in the morning Malaysian time. TZ started the message by telling me that a respected person in my life send the regards to me & reminding me abt an important date. He ended the message by telling me that one of our friend who is fondly known as Mat Jeng just passed away (May Allah rest his soul)6 pm M'sian time. I was shocked since I last met Mat Jeng in a small mosque near Kg Tujuh during a Friday Prayer when I was in M'sia for three weeks last June. I tried to called TZ's mobile to ask for the details but was greeted by the machine(I was 2 am M'sian time). Mat Jeng was only in mid 30s and he always seemed healthy to me. A person who smiled a lot and sometimes made a little joke. This remind me that we never know when will be our time that we are called to meet The Creator. Are we fully prepared for this? I may just have to leave this world any time, maybe today, maybe tommorow, next week, next month or next year... only Allah know about it and we are expected to be ready. When I called ZH again in the morning, I asked him what was the cause of Mat Jeng's death. ZH mentioned that Mat Jeng was healthy before and he felt uneasy after his Asr prayer due to low blood pressure. Then, his time to meet The Creator has arrived. No physical sign at all and suddenly he is now in different world leaving a wife and seven kids. The eldest one is 16/17 yrs old and the youngest one is several months old. Apparently, ZH told me that Mat Jeng married in very early age around 18 yrs old. Mat Jeng was a simple guy who made living by selling vegetables & fish from house to house using his scrambler bike. He was a pious person who spent most of his time for dzikir & contributing to the society. I do envy him for starting his life in 'Alam Barzah' on Friday (Muslim day started after Maghrib, that's why Thursday nite is called 'Malam Jumaat'). I used to listen to a 'Guru' who mentioning a hadith about the advantage on leaving his world on friday mentioning that someone who die on Friday (it is a sign for good person)will be safe from any 'azab kubur'. (Some ulama do say that Friday even start after the Asr time on Thursday). May this will be a reminder for me and all of us. Death can come in such as simple way. Last but not least, May Allah ease Mat Jeng's journey in the next life & I do pray that that I will also be granted 'husnul-khatimah' -the good ending when my time comes. Alfatihah (thanks in advance for my fellow readers who recite & 'sadaqah' it to arwah Mat Jeng) |
Wednesday, October 01, 2003 Malaysian Cyborg?Do you want to have an ability to know exactly how your partner think or feel like knowing ahead that yr partner is getting moody or can sense that your other half is into 'manja' mood & would like to be pampered (thanks for the implant chip) In 2000, while I was attending a conference in Nottingham, I had a chance to listen to the keynote address by Prof Kevin Warwick title 'I, Cyborg'. As an engineer by training, I am amazed and overwhelmed how far the technology has gone nowadays. Prof. Warwirck himself has planted a transponder chip in his arm and discussed the initial finding of his research in cybernatics. Over the weekend, Utusan Malaysia reported that the same guy was giving his presentation in KL and offered Malaysian to be his cyborg partner. I wonder if we will see the first Malaysian cyborg in near future. Ethically speaking, I strongly feel that lots of consideration should be made regarding this and I do not want to see human being treated like a toy. I would rather love to see that Malaysian reseachers and scientists involve in this project and find some English chaps to be the genuine pigs - NOT the other way around!. In past I have seen lots of people have done stupid things in the name of 'Malaysia Boleh' spirit.... and the list is endless, you yourself can name it! |
Do we all have good 'adab'? "...the peak of good adab is that you do not burden people according to your own pleasure, but burden yourselves according to their pleasures so long as they do not violate the Shari'a." -Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti While I was travelling to London over the weekend meeting the eldest son of my late 'tok guru' who came from M'sia (also in the town to attend some other matter), I was discussing with my friend R (thanks you R for driving all the way back & forth... I prefer not to drive due to health problem) that young generation nowadays are lack of courtesy...(kurang adab, sopan santun & budi pekerti). Then just now when browsing my friend's webpage, anak alam's, I read a nice piece of writing that really make me to think that I still need to improve a lot of my own 'adab'. Lets me share with you the whole article by Sidi Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti: The Sum of Good Adab Assalamu 'Alaykum Wa-Salat wa-Salam 'ala Rasulillah. Dear All, The sum of good adab and its peak can be derived from four ahadiths. These are the qualities which amount to good character. They are called adab because they are learned. The peak is the acme of good. Each hadith is followed by my own comments (adapted freely from Ibn Hajar) in square brackets: 1. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak well or be silent." [The whole hadith is: "Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not harm his neighbour. Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should honour his guest. Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak well or be silent." He should speak good and be rewarded for it or be silent from an evil for which he will he punished. Imam Nawawi (r) said: the perfect (kamil) & conscious (wa'i) muslim knows how to act and what to speak in public and in secret] 2. He said, "Part of the excellence of a person's Islam is his leaving alone what does not concern him." [It is that in which there is no benefit for him either in this world or the Next. Continuing on from hadith no. 1, remember what Allah (t) said in the Qur'an: "Your hearing, eyesight and vital organs will all be questioned concerning it." (al-Isra' 36); therfore leave what does not concern you in speech and in act and turn to whatever concerns and benefit you in this world and in the hereafter. Imam Mulla 'Ali Qari (r), the Hanafi mujtahid, defines the meaning of what concerns us as: to leave what is trivial (remeh-temeh) and to leave what is not appropriate (or befitting) for his speech (don't swear), his action (do no evil), his sight (esp. our tv's and computers!), and his thoughts (fantasise halal images only pls). In short: say no evil, do no evil, see no evil and think no evil.] 3. He told the one who asked him for succinct advice, "Do not get angry." [He repeated it several times. The Prophet meant that not keeping angry is an immense matter because anger has ruinous consequences in this world and the next and not getting angry has benefits and fruits in the Next World which are unimaginable and beyond number because Allah Almighty created anger from the Fire and kneaded it in the clay of mud. When one of his desires is opposed, the fire of anger is kindled in him and it bubbles up and the blood of his heart boils and spreads in the veins and rises to the top of his body like water in a pot and then it diffuses his face and eyes so that they become red since the skin is like glass, conveying what is behind it. The aim of the Lawgiver, peace be upon him, was that he should not do that which will provoke anger, not to stop something on which he is formed and which cannot be removed from him.] 4. He said, "A believer wants for his brother believer what he wants for himself." [It is in al-Bukhari as, "None of you will believe until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself," i.e. of obedience and permitted things. If we remember from the Ayyuha'l-Walad of al-Ghazali (r), this is the acme of sukun, i.e. to be at peace with the rest of creation, of which the sum of it is in fact, good manners or good adab among people. And the peak of good adab is that you do not burden people according to your own pleasure, but burden yourselves according to their pleasures so long as they do not violate the Shari'a.] Wallahu ta'ala a'lam wa ahkam. May this be of benefit and let us pray: Allahumma inna na'udhubika min 'ilm la yanfa' O Lord, protect us from knowledge which does not benefit! Success in exams to everyone! Amin! If you like to read more of Sidi Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti's writing, you can try here. There are articles on various issues. The one that I just read abt engagement from Islamic perspective may be useful and applicable to some young fellow bloggers. May Allah grant me, my family, my teachers & my friends good 'adab'. |
sang kelate
Sang Kelate is a Kelantanese citizen who
is born and bred in Kota Bharu. He loves
to share his humble thoughts & exchange idea with the readers.
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