Born on 25th July, married on 25th May (25 Zulhijjah 1425) at the age of 25, 25 is indeed my lucky number.
I wish to celebrate my 25th birthday every single year. This year I still regard it as the 25th birthday as it has been for the last 10 years. Time flies very fast.
Thank Allah who still give me chance to breath and experience the 'nikmat' of this life. I pray to Allah that I will also have the same chance to experience the real 'nikmat' in the lifeafter. Time for me to muhasabah.
Terimakasih Ma & Abah for your love & guidance. I wish I can be home with both of you today to share this moment.
Thank you Ja, Hakeem, Faheem & Faris for being a great wife and kids. All of you are my gems.
-SK- |
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
The Meaning of 'Tawakkal'
... Maka makna Tawakkal itu bahawa engkau memantapkan i'tiqadmu dengan janji-janji Allah iaitu engkau mengi'tiqadkan bahawasanya segala apa yang telah ditakdirkan bagimu itu pasti akan sampai kepadamu, tidak boleh tidak walaupun seluruh makhluk yang ada di alam ini berusaha menghalangkan daripadamu dan sebaliknya apa-apa yang telah ditakdirkan bahawa ia bukan untuk engkau sudah pasti ia tidak akan sampai kepada engkau walaupun seluruh makhluk berusaha untuk menyampaikankanya keada engkau.
(HUJJATUL ISLAM IMAM AL-GHAZALI - dlm kitabnya "Ayyuhal Walad')
Moga-moga kita semua digolongkan dlm golongan yg SENTIASA BERTAWAKKAL terutamanya ketika menghadapi kesulitan hidup.
-Picture is taken in Snowdonia, May 2005. |
Sang Kelate is a Kelantanese citizen who
is born and bred in Kota Bharu. He loves
to share his humble thoughts & exchange idea with the readers.